Our website offers the largest catalog of wind instruments and accessories in Benelux and France !
All the brands featured here are rigorously selected based on a minimum set of quality criteria.
All shipments are free. We are the only ones to offer this service throughout Europe!
All our prices are displayed excluding taxes. If you are a resident outside the European Union or an intra-community business, you can deduct this amount.
Need information? We are here to advise you by email at contact@ruedesvents.com or by phone at 0470 876 817 (Belgium) or 06 31 69 21 33 (France).
Need a repair ? Come visit our workshop and our store at Petite rue 56 - 7700 Mouscron - BELGIUM (15 mins from Lille, Roubaix, Tourcoing, Courtrai, and Tournai).
All our instruments are new, authentic, and come with a manufacturer's warranty of at least 1 year. During the warranty period of your instrument, all checks are free.
Last update : 02/24/2025